Feeling Fatigued? Make Sure To Take Breaks!
We’ve all been there: trying to focus on work but our brains seem to be stuck in a loop.
You know that feeling, when you just can’t concentrate or focus on a task at hand.
By the time the afternoon rolls around, you find yourself under a cloud. You have difficulty concentrating, and simple tasks take longer to finish.
We've all been there. When we're feeling scattered, it seems like everything takes longer and we just can't get anything done.
Mental fatigue is a complex phenomenon that can result from a variety of factors, including inadequate nutrition, lack of sleep, and hormonal imbalances.
To manage physical and cognitive fatigue, treat your brain well by getting enough sleep, taking regular breaks, venting your stresses, working on your social life, and eating a healthy diet. Consider talking to a therapist or coach if you’ve been feeling drained for an extended period of time."
While mental overload and fatigue can be debilitating, both are temporary. Mental exhaustion doesn't happen overnight, and you probably won't recover overnight, but with help and self-awareness, you can get back on track again.
The next time you're feeling mentally overloaded or exhausted, instead of rereading the same paragraph over and over or tweaking the same email endlessly, give yourself permission to step away and rest your brain before returning to the task at hand.